2023-07-06 WCU Steering Committee Meeting

2023-07-06 WCU Steering Committee Meeting


Meeting Notes

  • minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted

New Business

Email ladder for new members

  • @chima presented a draft of the second email(available at the end of the Presentation document) which we reviewed

Tenant Union

  • @chima discussed presenting the Tenant Union focus campaign, as well as stressing that we can vote to end this campaign if necessary.
  • and potentially getting someone from TANC(bay area Tenants and Neighborhood Councils) to present now that their conference is over


  • we next discussed the state of the UPS strike negotiations and how we could support them
  • talked about a poster to have the community take pictures worth so they could post their support
  • Researched local Farmers Markets as potential locations to present to the group

Social hour after meeting

  • planned location of meet as Don Rafas

Park cleanup

  • @chima presented the progress he made on the park clean ups
  • 23 and 30th 5-8pm with perhaps BBQs during
  • City will provide supplies, @chima talking with Ian from the park cleanup instagram for contact


  • tenant Union first article
  • Discussed if people would subscribe to both the Newspaper and WCU, we decided to keep them separate with an opt out for the WCU emails
  • Discussed the how to approach sharing the voice of the working class without necessarily having them appear endorsed by the WCU
  • Paulo pointed out the particular concern of this with solicited Opinion pieces
  • Need to develop a process for these to go through the Education Committee
  • Possible workflow for Opinion pieces Education>Steering>Membership

Tax stuff

  • @chima discussed pending tax documents and information we are waiting for

If you would like to add or discuss anything related to this meeting, please reply to this thread.

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Thanks, @Robert_H! I moved the thread to the Steering Committee category; we’re not using it otherwise.