2023-08-10 General Meeting

2023-08-10 WCU General Meeting


Campaign Coordinator: @chima
Membership Coordinator: @HipGnosis
Treasurer: @Turcotte - absent
Secretary: @Robert_H
Other Members: quorum

Meeting Notes


  • @HipGnosis opened the meeting as Meeting Leader
  • silent roll call was taken, quorum present

minutes of the last sessions

  • minutes of the 2023-07-24 general meeting were approved as posted

Reports of Member Sick or in Distress

Reports of Officers and Committees

  • Secretary: Another email from the DSA North Central valley
  • Treasurer: Documents are still processing, should have the bank set up and a method for dues collecting soon.

other reports

  • @chima reported on canvassing and how they heard that violence was a primary concern to the residents.
  • @Adri_Martinez and members reported on the park clean up, less attendance but plenty of trash to clean, particularly water balloons.

Unfinished Business

none to address

New Business

Tenant Organizing Conversations

  • @chima presented in depth on organizing and led the members in role play and groups for practice.
  • @HipGnosis moved and was seconded that we put off voting on a campaign head until the next general meeting
    Motion Carried

Setting Upcoming Dates

  • @HipGnosis moved and was seconded that we discontinue the ABCs reading group and set the second and fourth Wednesdays as the days of the Social and Discussion Group
    Motion Carried

  • @chima moved and was seconded that:
    The Membership Committee meet Second Fridays of the month
    The Education Committee will meet fourth Fridays of the month
    Motion Carried

  • Planned for tabling at Delta College Aug 29th between for a 2 hour block between 10am-2pm. @HipGnosis will check if anything is required with Delta.

  • @chima moved and was seconded that we schedule the next park clean up for 27th of August.
    Motion Carried


  • @HipGnosis moved and was seconded that the article @chima is writing will be approved for publication after posting on the forum and confirmation so that it could get out before the next meeting.
    Motion Carried
  • @HipGnosis moved and was seconded that articles will need to be vetted by 3 members of the Education Committee
    Motion Carried
  • Articles from the steering committee will still require approval of the membership at a meeting

Social Events

  • @chima moved and was seconded to talk to Luiz about the group being a sponsor of the Creole Corn Cultural Celebration, held September 3rd
    Motion Carried
  • members were unavailable for an after meeting social


  • @HipGnosis moved and was seconded that we adjourn
    Motion Carried

If you would like to add or discuss anything related to this meeting, please reply to this thread.