WCU - First General Meeting

Hi everyone,

Please vote in the poll below and select the day(s) you’re available for our first meeting. This will be a hybrid meeting, so you can participate via Zoom if you cannot attend in person, although I recommend you try to make it out if you can.

  • Thursday, May 18th at 5PM
  • Saturday, May 20th at Noon
  • Tuesday, May 23rd at 5PM

0 voters

The meeting will be held at 22522 Grand Canal Blvd Suite 6, Stockton, CA 95207, courtesy of the Stockton Odd Fellows Lodge.

As this is our first hybrid meeting, we will inevitably run into some issues. However, I want members who join remotely to feel like equal participants so we will work to improve this as time goes on. In the future, I also hope to add child care services during the meetings so parents with young children can attend in person.

If you would like to help set up the agenda, let me know below!

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