2024-12-05 General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Campaign Coordinator: @chima
Membership Coordinator: @HipGnosis
Treasurer: @Turcotte
Secretary: @Robert_H Absent
Other members: @Englishpete08, @Bozzii, @ChristinaCherif, @Tanner, @Joanna, Myles
Present members: 9, 7 online
Quorum: 4
Meeting Notes
- @chima served as Meeting Leader and took Roll Call of new members
Old Business
- @chima moved to approve bylaw modifications
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(A)
- @Bozzii moves to approve Tax Form Updates
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(B)
- @Tanner : asked if it will cost money to refile every year
- @chima : costs money to refile, but not if they reject it
Vote Details - Steering Committee Elections
Education Committee
- @chima moved to elect @Englishpete08 for Education Committee
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(C)
Campaign Coordinator
- @chima moved to elect himself for Campaign Coordinator
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(D)
Secretary - Basma
Secretary - Rob
Membership Coordinator - Reilly
- @chima moved to elect @HipGnosis for Membership Coordinator
- Vote: 5 Yea, 3 No, Motion Carries(H)
- Note: @Joanna arrived for this vote
Campaign Coordinator - Adri
- @chima moved to elect @Adri_Martinez for Campaign Coordinator
- Vote: 3 Yea, 5 No, Motion Fails(I)
New Steering Committee Members:
- Education Committee: @Englishpete08
- Secretary: @Bozzii
- Campaign Coordinator: @chima
- Membership Coordinator: @HipGnosis
- Treasurer: @Turcotte
New Business
Vote Details - Tenant Union Campaign Leadership
Tenant Union Campaign Lead - Sean
- @chima moved to elect @SeanHun for Tenant Union Campaign Lead
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(J)
Tenant Union Campaign Lead - Nora
New Tenant Union Focus Campaign Leadership:
- @Harpreet moves to approve CV Coalition Meetings
- Vote: unanimous approval, Motion Carries(L)
- Note: @Turcotte arrived for this vote
- @ChristinaCherif : Don’t become volunteer pool, keep goals in mind, and need in-person meetings
- @HipGnosis : have community assemblies, invite ind. from organizations first as a vibe check
- @Bozzii : above ground community assembly and below ground strategy meetings, reevaluation of goals every few months
- This modification will be discussed and voted on during next month’s meeting
- @Tanner : Growth in TU Meetings
- @HipGnosis : Increase membership, active new members
- @Turcotte : Forum Improvements, meeting etiquette
- @Bozzii : Planning ahead, clear goals, telling new members where they are needed
- @chima : Post election meeting, project management, connecting with new members before putting them to work, collaborating with other organizations
- @Englishpete08 : Things more organized and streamlined
Growth and Improvements
- @HipGnosis : Participation, regular members taking charge and leading meetings, using social media wrong should only be to get people out to events and show who came
- @Tanner : learning facilities of steering roles, helping and participating in work, knowing when to abandon things, having meters of success
- Myles : Engaging with people on social media using an image that becomes synonymous with WCU, reliable and persistent upload on platform with good engagement
- @Bozzii : Play around with social media, post events earlier, don’t rely on social media for event attendance, recruit people at events, do a better job at getting everyone’s insight/opinions
- @ChristinaCherif : Post events and reminders on social media, too much dependence on social media
- @Turcotte : Play up wins after every event, move up goal posts, increase man power
- @chima : Prioritize asynchronous things more, post stuff on forum earlier so people have more time to voice their opinions during whatever time they are free
Strategic Recommendations/ Priority Areas
- @HipGnosis : Recruitment and Community Outreach
- @Tanner : CV Coalition + Strategy meeting and narrowing the focus of our goals
- @Turcotte : In-person interactions and show results on social media
- @Englishpete08 : Streamline goals and focus on time
- @Bozzii : more ed stuff to pull broader groups in
- @chima : thing about what it means that the left is dying, strategic + achievable wins, and building class consciousness
Upcoming Events
Voting Record
- (-) means member did not join the meeting for the vote
- Steering nominations with two candidates (i.e., secretary and membership) : a yes indicates the candidate members voted for and a no indicates the other candidate
(A)Bylaws | (B)Tax Form 1024A | (C)Education Committee | (D)Campaign Coordinator | (E)Treasurer | (F)Secretary Basma | (G)Secretary Rob | (H)Membership Coordinator Reilly | (I)Membership Coordinator Adri | (J)TU Campaign Leadership Sean | (K)TU Campaign Leadership Nora | (L)CV Coalition Meetings | |
@chima | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | yea | yea | yea |
@HipGnosis | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | yea | yea |
@bozzii | - | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | yea | yea |
@Englishpete08 | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | no | yea | yea | yea | yea |
@ChristinaCherif | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | yea | yea |
@Joanna | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | no | yea | yea | yea | yea |
@Turcotte | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | yea |
@Tanner | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | abstain | yea |
Myles | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | yea | no | yea | no | yea | yea | yea |
Quorum For this Meeting
(6+6+8+8+8+8+9+7+7+7+7+7+7/13)/2= 4