2024-06-06 General Meeting


Campaign Coordinator: @chima
Membership Coordinator: @HipGnosis
Treasurer: @Turcotte
Secretary: @Robert_H
Other members: @Adri_Martinez @anon26178869 @Joanna @Bozzii @Tanner @PeterKraljev

Present members: 10, 3 online.
Quorum: 4

Meeting Notes


  • @Robert_H opened the meeting serving as Meeting Leader

Order of Business

  • @Robert_H moved we accept the revised Order of Business going forward. Second by @Bozzii. Motion carried(A)

Reports of Members Sick or in Distress

  • No reports this month.

Unfinished Business

Pausing bylaw changes,

  • next update in July will be presented for streamlining in august.

No votes for Genocide Campaign Leadership

New Business

State of the org

  • Forum has been revamped
  • There will be weekly update thread with vote
  • methods for contacting

Tenant Union Focus Campaign

  • Current project Letter: cockroach infestation, basically the whole street.
  • Reviewed documents show the hoa is for responsible
  • We aim to find local leaders
  • have collected 11 signatures
  • Goals to collect more and make more contacts with the tenants.
  • Tenant Union Tasks: Tasks - Working Class Unity
  • cutting down, summarizing the letter to code enforcement, @HipGnosis volunteered
  • as well as for drawing a map of the development
  • @Adri_Martinez is looking for help researching and verifying things for the handbook

No Votes for Genocide Campaign

  • Flyering at Costco
  • Initial version of the petition is online at NoVotesForGenocide.com
  • Want to develop alternatives to the undemocratic duopoly of the major two parites
  • Campaign Tasks

Technology backend

  • Database is working for paying dues

Super Monday Working Meetings

  • Last Monday every month
  • Hybrid approx 2 hours
  • Strict Timeline for addressing work
  • moved by @Adri_Martinez to schedule them, second by @Bozzii, Motion carries(C)

WCU Reading Group

  • @HipGnosis brought up the potential issues of the scheduled time and the content chosen.
    oppose propose: 3, the lesser evil: 5, the lesser evil selected.

Meeting Extended

WCU Updates

Public Facing Material Guidelines

  • moved to table discussion, motion carried(D)


Vote Record

Participants (A) Order of Business (B) No votes for Genocide Campaign Lead (C)Schedule Super Monday Working Meetings (D) Table PFM Working group (E)Adjourn
@Tanner Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@PeterKraljev Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@chima Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@Bozzi Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@Joanna Yea @Bozzi Yea
@anon26178869 Abstain @Bozzi Yea
@Adri_Martinez Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@robert_H Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
@Turcotte Yea @Bozzi Abstain Yea Yea
@HipGnosis Yea @Bozzi Yea Yea Yea
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Sign up for Action Items

I will move these items over to the Tasks threads later. Tentative RSVP in parenthesis.

Tenant Union: CalVilla

Canvassing Events

Need to update Letter to Code Enforcement About Cockroach Infestation

Canvassing on 2024-06-14T02:00:00Z2024-06-14T03:30:00Z at CalVilla - @Adri_Martinez, @Turcotte, @Bozzii (@Tanner)

Canvassing on 2024-06-22T02:00:00Z2024-06-22T03:30:00Z at CalVilla - @Tanner, @Bozzii, @PeterKraljev (@Adri_Martinez)

Canvassing on 2024-06-28T02:00:00Z2024-06-28T03:30:00Z at CalVilla - @Bozzii, @Turcotte, @Adri_Martinez, @PeterKraljev, @Robert_H (@Tanner)

WCU Events

No Votes for Genocide

Canvassing Events

Need to update June Action Items - No Votes for Genocide

Flyering at the mall on 2024-06-15T19:00:00Z2024-06-15T22:00:00Z - @Turcotte, @Tanner, @PeterKraljev (@HipGnosis, @Adri_Martinez)

Flyering after New Member Orientation 2024-06-22T21:00:00Z2024-06-22T23:00:00Z

Reading Group

2024-06-21T03:00:00Z2024-06-21T04:30:00Z - @Bozzii @Turcotte @Adri_Martinez @HipGnosis @PeterKraljev

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