2024-02-25 Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee Meeting will be 2024-02-26T03:00:00Z via zoom.

@WCU_Steering I submit the following to be included at the next General Meeting…

Agenda Item Details

Meeting: March 7, 2024 General Meeting - 6:00 P.M. (Hybrid)

Category: Old Business

Subject: Temporary Working Group - Public Facing Material

Type: Discussion

Recommendation: Schedule a date or multiple dates to meet over Zoom in March

Description: Members volunteered to be part of a Temporary Working Group, at the February 1, 2024 General Meeting, dedicated to creating a process for managing public facing material.

We’ve met once since then, but we need to meet again to continue that work.

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@WCU_Steering Please post the recording of this meeting, so that members can be afforded their opportunity to review and provide comment on it in accordance with our Bylaws.

Also, is there an updated IRS Form 1024-A for members to review before the next General Meeting?

Updated with video files.
There’s a way to auto-upload recordings to Google Drive. Will probably have to do that.