Website Calendar

We are using The Events Calendar plugin for our website calendar.

I put up the events, so we should have something for the WCU New Member Orientation. However, we should include more details about the events so new members or the public can better understand them.

I am going to link to the Events Calendar Knowledgebase and DevDocs through this because they will better describe features than I can. If you have questions about using the Events Calendar, please look through those sources before asking here. We can contact their support if we still cannot figure something out.

Event Pages

Creating Events Knowledgebase
Each calendar event has a page, and recurring events can have the same page each time - see our General Meeting Event page as an example.

Here is what needs to be filled out for every event:

Venue Pages

Creating Venues Knowledgebase
Venue pages can include an address, map, image, and a list of upcoming events at that location. This page is an example. I made a page for the Odd Fellows Lodge, where we usually meet, to serve as a template for future locations.

Odd Fellows Stockton Lodge

Example complete venue page: Odd Fellows Stockton Lodge –

Events Calendar Settings

I am putting these misc settings here so everyone is aware they were changed from the default.

Display Settings

  • Default view for desktop: Month view
  • Default view for mobile: List view


Please write a short intro for each event that is under 150 characters. This is what will be displayed on the Calendar in List view.

DRAFT: General Meetings are hybrid (online/in-person) events where WCU business is discussed, deliberated & voted on by members in good standing.

DRAFT: This is an online event where the Steering Committee builds the agenda for the next General Meeting. Attendance is open to members in good standing.

DRAFT: Using books, articles, videos and other media, our online reading groups are where WCU members and the public can gather to expand their knowledge.

DRAFT: Come out & help organize our area’s first city-wide tenant union. This event is open to the public. No prior experience required. Training provided.

The event description for the next Reading Group links to the wrong assignment.