WCU Membership Automated Emails

Now that dues payments are working, we need to revamp the default templates.


  1. Choose an Email Template: Below is a list of email templates we’re looking to revamp. Simply add your name next to the template you’d like to work on.
  2. Mark Your Progress: Once you’ve completed a draft, please indicate this by placing an “X” in the brackets next to your chosen template. This helps us keep track of progress.

Template Tags

To personalize the emails, you can use the following template tags. I highlighted the ones we believe will be most useful. We’re using RestrictPro for our membership backend (Restrict Pro Knowledgebase if you want to learn more).

  • %name% - The full name of the member
  • %username% - The user name of the member on the site
  • %useremail% - The email address of the member
  • %firstname% - The first name of the member
  • %lastname% - The last name of the member
  • %displayname% - The display name of the member
  • %expiration% - The expiration date of the member
  • %subscription_name% - The name of the membership level the member is subscribed to
  • %subscription_key% - The unique key of the membership level the member is subscribed to
  • %amount% - The amount of the last payment made by the member
  • %invoice_url% - The URL to the member’s most recent invoice
  • %membership_renew_url% - The URL to renew the membership associated with the email being sent
  • %membership_change_url% - The URL to change (upgrade/downgrade) the membership associated with the email being sent
  • %update_billing_card_url% - The URL to the “Update Billing Card” page for the latest payment (recommended for use in the Renewal Payment Failed email)
  • %discount_code% - The discount code that was used with the most recent payment
  • %member_id% - The member’s user ID number
  • %blogname% - The name of this website

Email Templates & Requirements:

Each email template needs a Subject Line and Body. Here are the templates we’re focusing on:

- Paid Membership Activation Email (This is the email message that is sent to users when their membership becomes active.) - @anon26178869

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% membership has been activated.

- Cancelled Membership Email (This is the email message that is sent to users when their membership is cancelled.) - @anon26178869

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% membership has been cancelled. You will retain access to content until %expiration%.

- Expired Membership Email (This is the email message that is sent to users when their membership is expired.) - @anon26178869

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% membership has expired.

- Expiration Reminders (Expiration reminders are sent to “active” and “cancelled” memberships that do not have auto renew enabled. They can be used to inform customers that their memberships will not be automatically renewed and they will need to do a manual renewal to retain access to their content. - 1 week before cancellation) - @anon26178869

Hello %name%,

Your subscription for %subscription_name% will expire on %expiration%.

- Payment Received Email (This is the email message that is sent to users after a payment has been received from them.) - @anon26178869

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% payment has been received.

Payment Amount:


- Renewal Payment Failed Email (This is the email message that is sent to users when a renewal payment fails.) - @anon26178869

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% renewal payment could not be processed. Please log in and update your billing information so we can reattempt payment.

Log In ‹ workingclassunity.com — WordPress

Please let me know if you need any additional information or if this format works for you in terms of task delegation. Once we are done we the initial drafts, we’ll move this over to the Docs category. That way if anyone has comments/suggestions for the templates, they can still leave a reply in this thread.

Tasks for Steering

  • Implement priority level tags for tasks as well as “Group Assignments” -@chima
  • Turn on the “Solved” plugin and see if it could be used to tag threads as Completed

Subject: Working Class Unity Dues Cancellation Confirmation

Hello %displayname%,

This email is to confirm cancellation of your monthly dues to Working Class Unity. Any credit or debit card you may have been using, for automatic payments, will no longer be charged. A lack of dues needed to maintain good standing, beyond the 30-day grace period, will cause you to fall out of good standing–you will lose your voting rights, you will lose the ability to run for & hold office or serve in a committee, and you will not be able to propose business to the membership. We hope this doesn’t happen. Every person is needed in the struggle to bring about a more fair and just system than the one we are all toiling under today.

If you did not intend to cancel your dues or if you believe this was done in error, please act now to reinstate them here: %membership_renew_url%

For assistance, contact us at info@workingclassunity.com.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity


Subject: Working Class Unity Membership Cancelled

Hi %displayname%,

This email is to confirm that your %subscription_name% membership has been cancelled. You will retain access to content until %expiration%. Any credit or debit card you may have been using, for automatic payment of monthly dues, will no longer be charged. A lack of dues needed to maintain good standing, beyond the 30-day grace period, will cause you to fall out of good standing–you will lose your voting rights, you will lose the ability to run for & hold office or serve in a committee, and you will not be able to propose business to the membership. We hope this doesn’t happen. Every person is needed in the struggle to bring about a more fair and just system than the one we are all toiling under today.

If you did not intend to cancel your %subscription_name% membership or if you believe this was done in error, please act now to reinstate it here: %membership_renew_url%

For assistance, contact us at info@workingclassunity.com.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity

Edited to include some more details about the emails as well as the default templates.

Thanks, @anon26178869, for working on it already! I think you can place %membership_renew_url% in the email when asking them to reinstate their dues.

Subject: Working Class Unity Membership Activated

Hi %displayname%,

Welcome!! Your %subscription_name% membership has been successfully activated.

Here are a couple of things to familiarize yourself with…

  • WCU’s Calendar: This is where you’ll find dates for our scheduled meetings (General, Steering, etc.), reading groups and other events.

  • WCU Bylaws: These are the rules under which we operate. It is important that you read and understand them.

  • The Discourse Forum: The forum is a platform where we publish recordings/minutes, make documents available, provide notice to the membership, present proposals & vote, have discussions, organize tasks and so on.

Participation is highly encouraged. We cannot expect to achieve our collective goals and dreams without engagement from members like you. While it can be daunting to take on new challenges, in addition to the existing responsibilities we have outside of the organization, the experience can also be incredibly rewarding. Just remember that if you start to feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. We’re a team, and we’ll move forward together.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity

Subject: Uh oh! Your Working Class Unity Membership has expired!!

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% membership has expired. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Under capitalism, all of us feel ourselves being stretched thin. And, sometimes, we have to take a step back. Just know, when you’re ready to return, there will always be a place here for you amongst your comrades.

Click here to renew: %membership_renew_url%

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity

Subject: 1 Week Left Until Your Working Class Unity Membership Expires

Hello %name,

Your subscription for %subscription_name% will expire on %expiration%. If you cancelled your membership prior to this email, no further action is needed. You may disregard this message.

But if you’re an active member who wishes to retain their membership, then you must act soon or risk losing access to your content. Since you do not have auto renew enabled, you will have to do a manual renewal. You can do that by logging in to your account here.

For assistance, contact us at info@workingclassunity.com.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity

Subject: Working Class Unity Dues Payment Confirmation

Hi %displayname%,

Your %subscription_name% payment has been received.

Please keep this confirmation for your records.

Payment Details:

  • %name%:

  • Payment Method:

  • Payment Amount:

  • Payment Date:

  • Invoice or Confirmation Number:

This contribution is truly appreciated. We would not be able to do the work that we do without your support. Thank you for being a valued member.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity

Subject: Unsuccessful Renewal Payment of Working Class Unity Membership Dues

Hi %displayname%,

Unfortunately, your %subscription_name% renewal payment could not be processed. Please check to see that we have the correct billing information for you here: %update_billing_card_url%. Once you’ve updated it, we can reattempt payment. For assistance, contact us at info@workingclassunity.com. We’d be happy to try and troubleshoot this issue further if it persists.

In Solidarity,
Working Class Unity