Side-Quest: Working Class Power Beyond the Ballot Box

We have talked about organizing a post-election discussion with the public. This event will serve as an opportunity to recruit new members and gather input on future directions, regardless of the election outcome. However, the Membership needs to approve this event before we move forward.

We need 7 Yes votes to hold this event. Please vote, provide feedback, or suggest improvements in your reply.

Event Description

Event Data and Time: November 9th 1PM - 3PM
Location: Oddfellows Hall


Social Media Caption and Calendar:
After the 2024 Presidential election, our work continues. Neither candidate’s victory fulfills our aspirations for building worker power and tenant unions. Our efforts to rebuild social connections and combat isolation continue. The struggle for peace in Gaza persists, regardless of who is in power. To create a future where all workers stand free and unbowed, we must forge our own path beyond voting. This requires building genuine working-class independence and pursuing collective action to effect meaningful change in our communities and workplaces. There is no better time to start than now, as the dust from this election settles.

Event Outline

General reflections

  • Icebreakers
  • Examining our “democratic” system
  • Future organizing
  • Invite community members join discussion about future organizing strategies
  • Reflections on election results
  • Feedback on the WCU NVFG Campaign
  • Our politics should not revolve around the Democratic Party (pushing left)
  • Distinguishing ourselves from mainstream political parties, moving beyond traditional political spectrums
  • Is democracy only when your “team” is in power?
  • Election quality and polarization
  • Building alternative systems regardless of election outcomes

Responding to Election Outcomes

If Trump Wins

  • Urgency of building and expanding quickly
  • Importance of defensive strategies
  • Limitations of relying on Democrats to counter right-wing movements
  • Need for a viable alternative for the Democrats
  • Next steps for Palestine
  • Democrats not preparing to stop Trump & contributing to backlash

If Harris Wins

  • Implications of Democrats winning without “left” support
  • Analysis of Uncommitted Campaign strategy
  • Next steps for Palestine given Harris’s pro-Israel actions
  • Lessons from COVID-era welfare policies
  • Developing a viable alternative to the Democrats

Invited Participants:

  • WCU members, friends & family
  • Community members

Outreach Methods

  • Social media post
  • Outreach to organizations in the SJ county
  • Flyers everywhere
  • Email list

Event Structure

  • Timekeeper
  • Discussion moderator (allowing direct rebuttals)
  • Conversation facilitator


We require 7 votes to approve this event, based on the quorum of 6 established in the 2024-10-03 General Meeting. Less than half of these votes should come from the Steering Committee.

I vote yes on this side quest

I also vote yes for this side quest!

Yes on this side quest

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I vote yes

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I will vote to hold the event.

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Vote yes.

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I vote in favor of side quest. However my participation is tentative :sweat_smile:

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Side-Quest passes! Thank you everyone for voting.