Since the March primaries, the local Palestine “coalition” has not issued a statement. But with the recent FY2024 spending bill passing with broad Democratic Party support and now their undermining of the UN’s ceasefire vote, it is clear we should not stop our involvement.
Although we have shifted the conversation some in San Joaquin, I would say that we have not yet done all we can to push/punish the Democrats and Josh Harder. The Democratic Party is waiting for us to go home. That is how the antiwar movement died in the past, with a whimper. Without an organization to coordinate their efforts and strong footholds in their unions and communities, it was only a matter of time before people burned out. That is what we have to try to prevent.
I am proposing this as a Side-Quest that will last until May 2nd, 2024. At the next meeting, I will propose a Focus Campaign with similar tactics. However, since there is a one-month delay between proposing and starting a Focus campaign, this Side-Quest will allow us to begin taking action and refine our approach before putting in the votes on May 2nd.
We ask voters to sign a pledge stating that they will not vote for Joe Biden, Josh Harder, or any candidates who have been endorsed by Joe or Josh or who have endorsed Joe or Josh. We should leave Jerry McNerney off of this list since we did accept his statement previously. However, as we also stated previously, we will not accept the other candidates putting out similar candidates since we cannot use their former positions as Representatives to contrast with Josh.
Community Outreach with Pledge
After our rallies, attendees asked how they could contribute, and so far, we have not received a good answer. But we can begin to provide the coordination and material required for people to begin tabling or canvassing on their own.
For the material, we can prepare the following:
- An online form to collect name/email and have a counter on top through NewMode
- We will host a meeting inviting people interested in volunteering where we can hold some training and plan our outreach events
- We will provide people with signature sheets and flyers (qr code to form)
- We can also provide an additional flyer that has information about the current status in Gaza
- We should try to incorporate WCU Membership, EWOC, and WCUTU into the flyer
- Signing the petition should redirect people to a page asking them to Donate to or Join WCU
Local Unions
To limit capacity issues, we will join (hopefully other labor groups elsewhere) in making this rally labor-focused. But we will leave it to the unions to co-sponsor the event on their own. We will ask Members to make any appeals to unions on their own and only if it won’t conflict with participation in the current Focus Campaign activity.
Previous Version of Local Unions
Start conversations with local unions about sponsoring a Solidarity with Palestine International Workers’ Day event, even if they do not support the No Votes for Genocide pledge. We need to do more research about what other California unions have been willing to do to see what we can ask of our local unions.
Scheduled Actions
- March 30, 2:30-3:00 pm: Protest at the corner of March and Pacific
- April 20th: A second protest/rally.
- May 1: International Workers’ Day in Solidarity with Palestine
We will coordinate with the Palestine coalition, with whom we have already hosted these events. I do not expect heavy demand on Membership for planning these events besides working on social media captions. But we should try to schedule our other events around the rallies so we can attend them as well.
Actions that need planning
- Between March 30th and April 20th: A weekend date to invite community members to attend and get material, training, and coordination for outreach for the pledge.
This should be a one-day event, and we should aim to schedule and hand out materials at this event so that folks who sign up to table/flyer can do so independently without Members’ involvement.
End Date: May 2, 2024—Ideally, a No Votes for Genocide Focus Campaign will have passed by this time and can take over.
We will need 5 votes to approve this Side-Quest. Our current quorum is 4 people, but the bylaws state we need a quorum + 1. The Steering Committee can only make up 2 of the votes.
The below has been removed from the Side-Quest.
Attacking Harder’s Major Donors
We have discussed this previously, but we should begin contacting Josh Harder’s major donors and asking them to ask for a refund for their donation to his campaign. We should explain that if they do not, we will publish their names and cities on a list called “Donors for Genocide Josh.” Depending on the number of volunteers we have to get the ball rolling in the next month, this will involve at least two days of phone banking.