EWOC Committee with DSA

We can use this thread to keep track of EWOC updates.

We are signed up for the EWOC Organizer Training Series in November. Right now, three of us are signed up to attend, but if anyone else would like to join us, feel free to sign up. All the training will be online.

We are also scheduled to attend EWOC orientation on October 4th at noon and also on October 2nd. (@HipGnosis, what time was it exactly again?). If you would like to attend, please leave a reply and we’ll forward you the Zoom invites.

We have an EWOC Working Group that was approved earlier this month (see below). Right now, activity is limited to one meeting/month with the EWOC Committee and attending the training. As a “Side Quest,” according to the bylaws the EWOC Working Group: “Such groups should not necessitate a significant, ongoing commitment of resources from the membership.” If it does, we will have to vote on it as a Focus Campaign or discuss/change how we are engaging with EWOC work.