2023-09-14 General Meeting

2023-09-14 General Meeting


Campaign Coordinator: @chima
Membership Coordinator: @HipGnosis - absent during roll call but joined via Zoom shortly after the start of the meeting
Treasurer: @Turcotte
Secretary: @Robert_H - absent
Other members: @Adri_Martinez, @Joanna, and @anon26178869

Meeting Notes


  • @Adri_Martinez called the meeting to order and served as the Meeting Leader
  • Roll call taken, quorum present

Minutes of the Last Session

  • No modifications or changes to the minutes of the 2023-08-28 General Meeting
  • Motion to approve the minutes from August 28th was made by @Adri_Martinez and seconded by @anon26178869. Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Members Sick or in Distress

Reports of Officers and Committees

  • Secretary (presented by @chima on behalf of @Robert_H): Whitney, from North Central Valley DSA, said PSL would not be joining EWOC (the union organizing group). North Central Valley DSA is having their membership meeting September 15 via Zoom. Alan Benjamin emailed about the 4th International in November. There’s still an opportunity for Working Class Unity members to go to the conference.
  • Treasurer: @Turcotte and @HipGnosis went to UNCLE Credit Union to see if they could open an account for Working Class Unity. The bank needed an IRS form which they didn’t have. The EIN was not enough. The bank really wants to make sure you’re cleared with the IRS as a nonprofit organization. The bank gave them a pamphlet. @Turcotte will start the process into getting the IRS tax-exempt form.
  • Membership Coordinator: We’re working on the membership handbook. We’re working on the membership development process, the membership pipeline. The mentorship program is probably what we’ll be working on next. For the Education Committee, we’re working on the Tenant Union handbook and the processes for setting up tenant workshops and other things. The Membership and Education Committee meetings are on the second and fourth Friday, respectively, of every month.
  • Campaign Coordinator: @chima and @HipGnosis have been working on a flow chart for Tenant Union organizing.

Unfinished Business

  • No members, outside of @chima, are able to attend the 4th International as of now.
  • There was continued discussion about EWOC. @Adri_Martinez motioned to make a working group for EWOC. It was seconded by @HipGnosis. Motion passed unanimously.
  • @Turcotte gave a report about the Cultural Corn Day.
  • There was discussion about Board Game Night. @Adri_Martinez motioned to have Board Game Night from 6-8pm with an hour of canvassing prior. It was seconded by @chima. Motion passed unanimously.

Whitney, Interim Chair of North Central Valley DSA, joined the General Meeting via Zoom. There was discussion about the potential composition of the steering committee for EWOC and what the first campaign under EWOC could be. She invited us to North Central Valley DSA’s General Meeting.

New Business

WCU Tasks

  • @chima presented. There is a new section on the Working Class Unity forum dedicated to tasks.

Tenant Union Campaign

  • @chima presented tips for canvassing.


  • @Adri_Martinez motioned to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by @chima. Motion passed unanimously.

Thank you, @anon26178869!
I edited in the transcript link.