2024-Week 19 Weekly Update

This is our first Weekly Update post. Please submit any feedback you may have below. We will continue to update this post throughout the week.

Tenant Union Focus Campaign Updates

Upcoming Events

Recent Updates

  • Canvassed and surveyed tenants who previously reported cockroach issues.
  • Goal was to involve motivated tenants, already familiar with us, to assist in drafting a letter to Code Enforcement.


  • Ongoing roach problems reported by new and long-term tenants.
  • Initial attempts by landlords to address the issue failed due to roaches being present across the development.
  • Children are coming into contact with cockroaches; it is affecting quality of life for tenants.
  • Tenants expressed fear of landlord retaliation, but showed willingness to confront the HOA.

Current Project: Letter to Code Enforcement About Cockroach Infestation

  • Review of Cal-Villa’s governing documents shows the HOA’s responsibility for common areas, where the cockroach infestation is actually originating from.
  • Instead of tackling this issue landlord by landlord, urge Stockton Code Enforcement to impose fines on the HOA until they address the infestation.


  • Use this widespread issue to encourage tenant participation and involvement in the Cal-Villa Tenant Association.
  • Obtain signatures from a majority of affected tenants.
  • Organizing a meeting of the Cal-Villa Tenant Association to discuss next steps at the end of the month.


Letter to Code Enforcement About Cockroach Infestation (Details Here)

  • Review Draft Letter to Code Enforcement
  • Develop One-Page Explainer
  • Prepare Letter Toolkit
  • Schedule and Sign Up for Canvassing/Phone Banking Days

Educational Committee

(Sponsored) Solidarity Reading Group

  • Currently reading Remaking Society by Murray Bookchin (second half).
  • The Reading Group will meet on May 8th at 8PM on Discord
  • You can join the Solidarity Reading Group’s Discord by following this link.

WCU Reading Group

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here is the link to Remaking Society for the Sponsored Reading Group

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