2023 Working Class Unity Elections

To Working Class Unity Members,

Elections will be taking place next month. You may make nominations for each of the Steering Committee positions–Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Coordinator and Campaign Coordinator (***See Article VI, Sections 6-9 of our bylaws for descriptions of those roles).

Please submit your nominations below.

Alternatively, you can contact @anon26178869 or @Joanna with your submissions (Example: I nominate Reilly for Secretary, Harpreet for Treasurer, Roby for Membership Coordinator and Chris for Campaign Coordinator.) before the next General Meeting on November 27, 2023.

-Nominations Committee

P.S. Members may not nominate themselves.

I am nominating

  • Roby for Secretary
  • Chris for Treasurer
  • Reilly for Membership Coordinator
  • Harpreet for Campaign Coordinator

  • Chris for Treasurer

  • Paolo for Secretary

  • Joanna for Membership & Education Coordinator

I respectfully decline.