Strategy and Rhetoric around NVFG

Thanks @PeterKraljev for starting this conversation. I’m copying it over from WhatsApp because I think it is an important conversation to have in more detail than what WhatsApp will allow.

@PeterKraljev: I think we should work on our messaging around Palestine and Israel and get a slogan that also appeals to both those who are neutral or even in opposition. “No votes for Genocide” and “Your supporting Genocide” are powerful slogans but they are kind of arguments from emotion and are only effective on people who already agree with us and we need to persuade people who don’t agree or are apathetic. the apathetic’s reaction is “that’s a tragedy but I have bills to pay and mouths to feed I don’t have time to care about tragedies half way around the world when I have my own tragedies to deal with” and then there are those who response is “I don’t care about Jews and Muslims let them kill each other”. This is why I think we should really lean into the finical aspects of the US alliance with Israel. A ceasefire will only bring a temporary peace to the situation but Israel losing US finical support will weaken Israel in the long run and completely alter and destabilize their position in the middle east. Pointing out how the government is taxing your minimum wage income and sending it to Israel and they have universal health care and public universities and we don’t even have functioning public transit system and we can even get constatives to support it by pointing out how they are cucks by letting big government tax them to subsides Jewish welfare queens. And by going after the finical angle we can expand our messaging to a broader anti-imperialism message by pointing how a huge chunk and federal budget is spent on maintaining foreign military bases and propping up kings and dictators in 3rd world countries and bringing up the fact that we have the money for various social programs all we have to do is shut down theses foreign bases and bring the troops home and stop fight other nations’ wars. This would also have the double whammy of us out patrioting the supposed patriots as they want to send our taxes oversees to foreign interests but we want to keep them here to make American lives better. We really need to figure out how to make this global issue into a local issue as that’s how we are going to build support and actually make a difference.

@Turcotte: This is a great point, i don’t want to pull any energy away from the ongoing genocide awareness but now that Joe is out of office it has already created space for the dems to say they are sympathetic to the Palestinian people which absolves them of any wrongdoing

@Adri_Martinez: And the points that our org is rooted and class unity, we need to find those things that make it feel important to people here, unfortunately