Points of Unity

WCU Points of Unity


“Points of Unity” are a set of core principles and objectives that would define a foundational agreement among WCU Members. They provide clarity by outlining core beliefs and goals, fostering cohesion, and solidarity among members. These points can guide our decision making, ensuring our actions align with our long term objectives. They also aid in recruiting like-minded individuals and make WCU’s mission more accessible to the public.


During the previous General Meeting, members suggested the following topics:

  • Anticapitalism, anti-imperialism, antipatriarchy, antiracism
  • Mutual aid
  • Consensus democracy
  • Collective action
  • Accountability to each other
  • Building resilience
  • Liberation
  • Solidarity
  • Emphasize a positive vision rather than being anti-X
  • Related to the above, Imagination: envisioning a new world
  • Social fabric
  • Run by members
  • From ATUN, focus on tenant power, not housing owned by landlords
  • Prioritize community over electoral cycles or politicians
  • Not a service organization, but a movement organization

Suggestions and Voting

Please continue to leave suggestions for other Points of Unity in this thread. You can also help define what some of these points already listed mean.

We did not set any timelines during the previous General Meeting (I believe), so we will revisit this topic at the next meeting to gauge our progress.