Working Class Unity Bylaws

Change Log Format

Short description (< 10 words)

Meeting: [link to meeting minutes]
Vote Count:
Change description: why/what was changed

Previous version

Red line

New version

Mission statement

Meeting: 2023-05-25 General Meeting
Vote Count:
Change description: Adopted a mission for WCU.

Previous version


Red line

Working Class Unity is a member-driven, democratic political organization committed to advancing the cause of socialism openly within San Joaquin County. We are recruiting, educating, and supporting activists who will join the fight for working class power. We want to forge alliances between labor and tenant unions and social movements. It will not be quick or easy, but we believe that workers fighting for one another can build a movement for socialism and build a better world.

New version

Working Class Unity is a member-driven, democratic political organization committed to advancing the cause of socialism openly within San Joaquin County. We are recruiting, educating, and supporting activists who will join the fight for working class power. We want to forge alliances between labor and tenant unions and social movements. It will not be quick or easy, but we believe that workers fighting for one another can build a movement for socialism and build a better world.

Limit steering committee meeting powers

Meeting: :2023-06-08 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: This was done to ensure that the Steering Committee cannot push items forward for a vote without at least one other Member’s approval.

Previous version

Article IV. Governance | Section 5
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern Working Class Unity in all applicable cases and in instances where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that WCU may adopt.

Red line

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern Working Class Unity in all applicable cases and in instances where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that WCU may adopt.

A motion cannot be both moved and seconded by Steering Committee members alone.

New version

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern Working Class Unity in all applicable cases and in instances where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that WCU may adopt.

A motion cannot be both moved and seconded by Steering Committee members alone.

Designations for legal documents

Meeting: 2023-06-08 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: This was done so we could sign legal documents (incorporation, banking).

Previous version


Red line

In the context of local, state, federal, and other regulatory documents, the Campaign Coordinator shall hold the title of Chair/President, while the Membership Coordinator shall hold the title of Vice-Chair/Vice-President. These designations are solely for documentation purposes and do not imply any extra duties or privileges within the organization.

New version

In the context of local, state, federal, and other regulatory documents, the Campaign Coordinator shall hold the title of Chair/President, while the Membership Coordinator shall hold the title of Vice-Chair/Vice-President. These designations are solely for documentation purposes and do not imply any extra duties or privileges within the organization.

Adjusting quorum

Meeting: 2023-06-08 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: This was done to ensure that with low levels of membership, quorum could not be met by 1 or two people.

Previous version

A quorum of 10% of the membership in good standing is required for General Meetings.

Red line

A quorum of 10% of the membership in good standing is required for General Meetings. for General Meetings requires either 10% of the Membership or a minimum of three Members in good standing, whichever is greater.**

New version

A quorum for General Meetings requires either 10% of the Membership or a minimum of three Members in good standing, whichever is greater.

Updating the conflict of interest policy

Meeting: 2023-06-08 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: why/what was changed

Previous version

Any member of the Steering Committee or an officer who has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any matter under consideration by the Steering Committee shall disclose such interest to the Steering Committee.

A member having a conflict of interest in any matter shall not participate in the discussion or vote on that matter, unless the Steering Committee determines that the conflict of interest is not material or significant.

The minutes of the Steering Committee meeting shall reflect the disclosure of any conflict of interest and the abstention from voting on the matter in question.

Red line

Any member of the Steering Committee or an officer who has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any matter under consideration by the Steering Committee shall disclose such interest to the Steering Committee.

A member having a conflict of interest in any matter shall not participate in the discussion or vote on that matter, unless the Steering Committee determines that the conflict of interest is not material or significant.

The minutes of the Steering Committee meeting shall reflect the disclosure of any conflict of interest and the abstention from voting on the matter in question.

All Members shall adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy.

Annually, Steering Committee members must complete, sign, and present a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form to the Membership for approval during a General Meeting.

New version

All Members shall adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy.

Annually, Steering Committee members must complete, sign, and present a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form to the Membership for approval during a General Meeting.

Increase timeline for nominations committee

Meeting: 2023-06-08 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: We needed to give nominations committee a month to collect nominations.

Previous version

A two-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one month prior to every election by a vote of the membership. The call for nominations shall be announced to the membership, and the Nominations Committee shall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be elected. Members may not nominate themselves.

Red line

A two-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one two months prior to every election by a vote of the membership. The call for nominations shall be announced to the membership, and the Nominations Committee shall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be elected. Members may not nominate themselves.

New version

A two-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least two months prior to every election by a vote of the membership. The call for nominations shall be announced to the membership, and the Nominations Committee shall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be elected. Members may not nominate themselves.

Order of business

Meeting: 2023-11-09 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: We adopted a default order of business so we do not need to approve it at the start of every meeting.

Previous version


Red line

The default order of business for General Meetings shall be as follows:

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Introductions
4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
5. Reports of Members Sick or in Distress
6. Reports of Officers & Committees
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business + Additional Agenda Items
9. Financial Report
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment

New version

The default order of business for General Meetings shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introductions
  4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  5. Reports of Members Sick or in Distress
  6. Reports of Officers & Committees
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business + Additional Agenda Items
  9. Financial Report
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment

Updating side-quest process

Meeting: 2024-02-01 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: why/what was changed

Previous version

A non-campaign activity can gain democratic approval by being brought as a proposal to the general body at a General Meeting. The proposal will require a simple majority of general meeting attendees. For urgent actions between General Meetings, any member can bring a proposal with five co-signers to the Steering Committee. Should the Steering Committee vote not to approve the proposal or judge it to be non-urgent, it can still be approved at the next General Meeting.

Red line

A non-campaign activity can gain democratic approval by being brought as a proposal to the general body at a General Meeting. The proposal will require a simple majority of general meeting attendees. For urgent actions between General Meetings, any member can bring a proposal with five co-signers to the Steering Committee. Should the Steering Committee vote not to approve the proposal or judge it to be non-urgent, it can still be approved at the next General Meeting. * For urgent actions between General Meetings, any member can bring a proposal to the Membership. The action can be approved with quorum plus one approving the action, or three members in good standing, whichever number is higher. Steering Committee members cannot make up half or majority of the votes. If approved, the Steering Committee, Membership Committee, or a delegation will be in charge of accomplishing the action.

New version

A non-campaign activity can gain democratic approval by being brought as a proposal to the general body at a General Meeting. The proposal will require a simple majority of general meeting attendees. For urgent actions between General Meetings, any member can bring a proposal to the Membership. The action can be approved with quorum plus one approving the action, or three members in good standing, whichever number is higher. Steering Committee members cannot make up half or majority of the votes. If approved, the Steering Committee, Membership Committee, or a delegation will be in charge of accomplishing the action.

Modifying quorum calculation

Meeting: 2024-02-01 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: This method with was adopted so the quorum count will update automatically depending on many members attend general meetings.

Previous version

A quorum for General Meetings requires either 10% of the Membership or a minimum of three Members in good standing, whichever is greater.

Red line

A quorum for General Meetings requires either 10% of the Membership or a minimum of three Members in good standing, whichever is greater.

3.1 Determination of Quorum: The quorum for all General Meetings shall be determined by calculating the average number of members present at the start of each meeting and at the time of each vote taken during that meeting. This average attendance for a single meeting shall then be recorded. The quorum for future General Meetings shall be established by averaging these single-meeting averages from the six most recent General Meetings.

3.2 Calculating the Average Attendance: For the purposes of determining quorum, “average attendance” shall be defining as the sum total of members in Good Standing present at each of the six most recent General Meetings, divided by the number of those meetings. Only meetings where official minutes were recorded and attendance was taken shall be included in this calculation.

3.3 Rounding: If the calculation of fifty percent (50%) of the average attendance results in a fractional number, the quorum shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

3.4 Record Keeping and Notification: The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of attendance at all General Meetings and shall calculate and inform the membership of the current quorum requirements in the minutes of the latest General Meeting as well as the start of the upcoming General Meeting.

3.5 Maintenance of Quorum: To ensure quorum is maintained, the quorum will be reassessed immediately prior to any vote taking place, but only if there is change in the number of members present compared to the start of the meeting or compared to the time of the previous vote when quorum was confirmed. If at any point the number of members in good standing present drops below the required quorum due to changes in attendance, no vote shall be conducted until the quorum is re-established.

New version

3.1 Determination of Quorum: The quorum for all General Meetings shall be determined by calculating the average number of members present at the start of each meeting and at the time of each vote taken during that meeting. This average attendance for a single meeting shall then be recorded. The quorum for future General Meetings shall be established by averaging these single-meeting averages from the six most recent General Meetings.

3.2 Calculating the Average Attendance: For the purposes of determining quorum, “average attendance” shall be defining as the sum total of members in Good Standing present at each of the six most recent General Meetings, divided by the number of those meetings. Only meetings where official minutes were recorded and attendance was taken shall be included in this calculation.

3.3 Rounding: If the calculation of fifty percent (50%) of the average attendance results in a fractional number, the quorum shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

3.4 Record Keeping and Notification: The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of attendance at all General Meetings and shall calculate and inform the membership of the current quorum requirements in the minutes of the latest General Meeting as well as the start of the upcoming General Meeting.

3.5 Maintenance of Quorum: To ensure quorum is maintained, the quorum will be reassessed immediately prior to any vote taking place, but only if there is change in the number of members present compared to the start of the meeting or compared to the time of the previous vote when quorum was confirmed. If at any point the number of members in good standing present drops below the required quorum due to changes in attendance, no vote shall be conducted until the quorum is re-established.

Updating mission statement

Meeting: 2024-03-07 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: The revision removes geographic limitations that may have limited our broader political work.

Previous version

Working Class Unity is a member-driven, democratic political organization committed to advancing the cause of socialism openly within San Joaquin County. We are recruiting, educating, and supporting activists who will join the fight for working class power. We want to forge alliances between labor and tenant unions and social movements. It will not be quick or easy, but we believe that workers fighting for one another can build a movement for socialism and build a better world.

Red line

Working Class Unity is a member-driven, democratic political organization committed to advancing the cause of socialism openly within San Joaquin Countythe open advancement of socialism. We are recruiting, educating, and supporting activists who will join the fight for working class powerWe prioritize the recruitment, education, and support of people committed to advocating for working-class power.. We want to Our mission is to forge alliances between labor, and tenant unions community, and social movements. It We acknowledge that our objective will not be quick or easy, but we believe that workers fighting for one another achieved quickly or easily. We are dedicated to the journey ahead, confident that through solidarity and collective action, we can build a robust movement for socialism and build create a better world.

New version

Working Class Unity is a member-driven, democratic organization committed to the open advancement of socialism. We prioritize the recruitment, education, and support of people committed to advocating for working-class power. Our mission is to forge alliances between labor, community, and social movements. We acknowledge that our objectives will not be achieved quickly or easily. We are dedicated to the journey ahead, confident that through solidarity and collective action, we can build a robust movement for socialism and create
a better world for all.

Clarifying of membership dues grace period

Meeting: 2024-03-07 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: Clarified that membership starts in good standing and that members have a 30 days late grace period.

Previous version


  1. Dues: Members shall be considered in good standing if their dues are paid in full, allowing for a 30-day grace period.
  2. Attendance: Members in good standing must attend at least one regular meeting per year.
  3. Conduct: Members in good standing are required to adhere to the values and mission of WCU, refraining from any behavior that violates WCU’s Code of Conduct.
  4. Residency: Members in good standing must reside, work, or attend school in San Joaquin County, California.

Members in good standing shall possess full voting rights, may hold any office or serve any committee, and may propose business to the membership at any time.

Members of the public who support the mission and purpose of WCU are welcome to participate in the organization’s activities, but shall not have voting rights, nor be eligible to hold office or chair a committee.

Red line


  1. Dues: Members shall be considered in good standing if their dues are paid in full, allowing for a 30-day late grace period.
  2. Attendance: Members begin in good standing. Members in good standing must attend at least one regular meeting per year.
  3. Conduct: Members in good standing are required to adhere to the values and mission of WCU, refraining from any behavior that violates WCU’s Code of Conduct.
  4. Residency: Members in good standing must reside, work, or attend school, or a place of worship in San Joaquin County, California.

Members in good standing shall possess full voting rights, may hold any office or serve any committee, and may propose business to the membership at any time.

Members of the public who support the mission and purpose of WCU are welcome to participate in the organization’s activities, but shall not have voting rights, nor be eligible to hold office or chair a committee.

New version


  1. Dues: Members shall be considered in good standing if their dues are paid in full, allowing for a 30-day late grace period.
  2. Attendance: Members begin in good standing. Members in good standing must attend at least one regular meeting per year.
  3. Conduct: Members in good standing are required to adhere to the values and mission of WCU, refraining from any behavior that violates WCU’s Code of Conduct.
  4. Residency: Members in good standing must reside, work, attend school, or a place of worship in San Joaquin County, California.

Members in good standing shall possess full voting rights, may hold any office or serve any committee, and may propose business to the membership at any time.

Members of the public who support the mission and purpose of WCU are welcome to participate in the organization’s activities, but shall not have voting rights, nor be eligible to hold office or chair a committee.

Allow any member to put forward censure vote

Meeting: 2024-03-07 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: This allows any member to put forward a censure vote, instead of only allowing a member of the steering committee to put forward a vote.

Previous version

In the event that a member is found to be in significant violation of WCU’s Code of Conduct, the Steering Committee may recommend censure or expulsion for specific offenses (see Code of Conduct Section X). Censure or expulsion must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the membership at a General Meeting. A vote for censure or expulsion may also be initiated if a member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the organization’s principles or policies, engages in entryist behavior, or acts under the discipline of another organization.

Red line

In the event that a member is found to be in significant violation of WCU’s Code of Conduct, any Member or the Steering Committee may put forth a recommendation for recommend censure or expulsion**, citing** for specific offenses outlined in the Code of Conduct (see Code of Conduct Section X Code of Conduct Article VI: Prohibited Behavior). Such a recommendation Censure or expulsion must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership at a General Meeting. Additionally, any member or the Steering Committee may initiate a A vote for censure or expulsion at the subsequent General Meeting may also be initiated if a member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the organization’s principles or policies, engages in entryist behavior, or acts under the discipline of another organization.

New version

In the event that a member is found to be in significant violation of WCU’s Code of Conduct, any Member or the Steering Committee may put forth a recommendation for censure or expulsion, citing specific offenses as outlined in the Code of Conduct (see Code of Conduct Article VI: Prohibited Behavior). Such a recommendation must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of eligible members at a General Meeting. Additionally, any Member or the Steering Committee member may initiate a vote for censure or expulsion at the subsequent General Meeting if a member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the organization’s principles or policies, engages in entryist behavior, or acts under the discipline of another organization.

Abstentions do not count towards the total vote count

Meeting: 2024-10-03 General Meeting
Vote Count: :exclamation:
Change description: In order to keep voting consistent, these bylaw modifications were made so that abstentions did not count towards the total vote count under all conditions. Previously, they did count under some circumstances and they did not in others, leading to confusion and inconsistent application.

Article VI. Steering Committee | Section 10. Recall and Removal

Previous version

Any member can move to have any Officer or Steering Committee member removed by a two-thirds vote of the Membership during a General Meeting, with or without cause. A Steering Committee member will be considered to have resigned if they fail to attend 50% of the Steering Committee meetings over a three-month period, unless a written explanation is provided and accepted by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.

Red line

Any member can move to have any Officer or Steering Committee member removed by a two-thirds vote, with or without cause. This vote must take place at the General Meeting. of the Membership during a General Meeting, with or without cause. A Steering Committee member will be considered to have resigned if they fail to attend 50% of the Steering Committee meetings over a three-month period, unless a written explanation is provided and accepted by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.

New version

Any member can move to have any Officer or Steering Committee member removed by a two-thirds vote, with or without cause. This vote must take place at the General Meeting. A Steering Committee member will be considered to have resigned if they fail to attend 50% of the Steering Committee meetings over a three-month period, unless a written explanation is provided and accepted by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.

Article VII. Campaigns | Section 3. Campaign Operation

Previous version

3.4. Reapproval and Leadership Election: Every six months, a campaign must be reapproved by a simple majority vote at a General Meeting, and new campaign leaders elected. There are no term limits for campaign leadership. A campaign may be reapproved with significant changes to the campaign operations or structure; these changes must be clearly communicated to the General Membership at least two weeks prior to the vote.

Red line

3.4. Reapproval and Leadership Election: Every six months, a campaign must be reapproved by a simple majority vote and new campaign leaders elected. This vote must take place at a General Meeting , and new campaign leaders elected. There are no term limits for campaign leadership. A campaign may be reapproved with significant changes to the campaign operations or structure; these changes must be clearly communicated to the General Membership at least two weeks prior to the vote.


3.4. Reapproval and Leadership Election: Every six months, a campaign must be reapproved by a simple majority vote and new campaign leaders elected. This vote must take place at a General Meeting. There are no term limits for campaign leadership. A campaign may be reapproved with significant changes to the campaign operations or structure; these changes must be clearly communicated to the General Membership at least two weeks prior to the vote.

Previous version

3.6. Budget Approval: An initial budget will be voted on by the Membership when a campaign is adopted. The budget will be considered adopted if a simple majority of members in good standing at the meeting vote in the affirmative. Additional budget requests may be approved by the Membership at General Meetings in the same fashion.

Red line

3.6. Budget Approval: An initial budget will be voted on by the Membership when a campaign is adopted. The budget will be considered adopted by a majority vote. This vote must take place at a General Meeting. if a simple majority of members in good standing at the meeting vote in the affirmative. Additional budget requests may be approved by the Membership at General Meetings in the same fashion.

New version

3.6. Budget Approval: An initial budget will be voted on by the Membership when a campaign is adopted. The budget will be adopted by a majority vote. This vote must take place at a General Meeting. Additional budget requests may be approved by the Membership at General Meetings in the same fashion.

Article VII. Campaigns | Section 5. Campaign Closure

Previous version

5.1. Mid-term Termination Proposal: A proposal to terminate a campaign mid-term may be submitted by the Steering Committee with the co-signatures of at least five Members. The Steering Committee shall provide advance notice of the proposal to the Membership at least one week prior to the General Meeting. The proposal shall be presented at the following General Meeting, and a majority vote will be required to approve the termination.
5.3. Resumption or Termination of Suspended Campaigns: A Campaign that has been suspended according to the process outlined above may be resumed or terminated by a two-thirds vote at the following General Meeting.

Red line

5.1. Mid-term Termination Proposal: A proposal to terminate a campaign mid-term may be submitted by the Steering Committee with the co-signatures of at least five Members. The Steering Committee shall provide advance notice of the proposal to the Membership at least one week prior to the General Meeting. The proposal shall be presented at the following General Meeting. , and a A two-thirds majority vote will be required to approve the termination.
5.3. Resumption or Termination of Suspended Campaigns: A Campaign that has been suspended according to the process outlined above may be resumed or terminated by a two-thirds vote. The vote must take place at the following General Meeting.

New versions

5.1. Mid-term Termination Proposal: A proposal to terminate a campaign mid-term may be submitted by the Steering Committee with the co-signatures of at least five Members. The Steering Committee shall provide advance notice of the proposal to the Membership at least one week prior to the General Meeting. The proposal shall be presented at the following General Meeting. A two-thirds majority vote will be required to approve the termination.
5.3. Resumption or Termination of Suspended Campaigns: A Campaign that has been suspended according to the process outlined above may be resumed or terminated by a two-thirds vote. The vote must take place at the following General Meeting.

Article VII. Campaigns | Campaign Formation

Previous version

Campaigns shall be voted on by the Membership. In the absence of a competing proposal, a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting is required for a campaign to be adopted. An upcoming campaign proposal vote must be announced at a General Meeting at least one month in advance.

Red line

Campaigns shall be voted on by the Membership. In the absence of a competing proposal, a A two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting is required for a campaign to be adopted. This vote must take place at a General Meeting. An upcoming campaign proposal vote must be announced at a General Meeting at least one General Meeting in advance.

New version

Campaigns shall be voted on by the Membership. A two-thirds majority vote is required for a campaign to be adopted. This vote must take place at a General Meeting. An upcoming campaign proposal vote must be announced at a General Meeting at least one General Meeting in advance.