If you have any questions, please leave a reply at the end of this thread. Here are links to other other CalVilla documents:
- Amended Bylaws of Cal-Villa Estates Homeowners Association
- Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Cal-Villa Estates Homeowners Association
Cal Villa Estates Homeowners Association Rules and Regulations
No unit shall be used in such a manner as to obstruct or interfere with the enjoyment of residents in other units or annoy them with unreasonable noises. No nuisance, immoral, or illegal activity shall be committed or permitted to occur. No obnoxious or offensive activity shall be carried on.
Loud stereos/TVs, cars with loud stereos, loud parties, and domestic disturbances are not permitted.
No abusive (foul language) is permitted in the Common Area.
No marijuana/cannabis use in the Common Area.
No planted or potted marijuana/cannabis plants in the Common Area.
No marijuana/cannabis plants can be visible from the exterior.
No unit may impact an adjacent unit with marijuana/cannabis smell or smoke.
Littering is not permitted.
No vegetable gardens are allowed.
Residents and/or guests are not permitted to climb the trees in the Common Areas nor allowed to use the limbs for swinging or playing (there is an exception for Association-authorized personnel/licensed contractors).
Portable swimming pools, no bigger than a kiddie pool, are allowed and must be removed from the Common Area at the end of the day. Water for the pool cannot be taken from the Common Area hose bibs.
No jump houses or slip and slides are permitted in the Common Area.
ONLY propane barbecuing is allowed on the garage apron at least 10 feet from the building. No charcoal barbecuing is permitted. ABSOLUTELY NO BARBECUING ON THE BALCONIES IS ALLOWED. Propane barbecues must be stored out of view after use.
There shall be no playing or tampering with the water sprinklers.
Writing, painting, or defacing the buildings or any objects in the Common Area are not permitted.
In order to ensure adequate aesthetic controls and to maintain the general attractive appearance of the community, no resident shall construct fences, walls, or make any alterations, additions, or modifications to the Common Areas.
Any modifications within the Common Area require an Architectural Request Form be submitted and approved by the Board of Directors.
All units shall be utilized for residential purposes only.
Garage sales are prohibited.
Bicycling, skating, skateboarding, and rollerblading are prohibited on the grass and walkways.
Loitering, drinking of alcoholic beverages, and gambling within the Common Area are prohibited.
Public intoxication is prohibited and will generate an immediate hearing where fines can be sanctioned.
All children in the Common Area must be supervised by an adult.
No window air conditioning units are allowed.
Only white/beige blinds or drapes, in good condition, are permitted as window coverings.
Black security doors and window bars (compliant with City Codes) and in good condition are permitted.
City Curfew must be followed. Curfew time is 10:00 p.m.
Satellite Dishes
Satellite dishes are permitted when affixed to the fascia board on the north or south side of the building.
Satellite dishes must be installed by a licensed technician.
No satellite dishes shall be attached to the building roof, balcony, or Common Area.
Owners are responsible for ensuring the satellite dishes are maintained.
When a satellite dish is removed, it is the responsibility of the unit owner to restore the area to its former state.
Laundry Rooms (this was crossed out in our copy)
There is a $10.00 charge for the laundry room key.
Residents of each building are responsible for keeping their laundry room clean and free of lint and litter.
Laundry rooms are to be kept locked at all times. They are for the exclusive use of the occupants of each building.
Electricity from the laundry rooms is not to be used for individual units’ personal use.
Residents shall not tamper with the hot water heater thermostat, the timer boxes, or the switches in the laundry rooms.
Water from laundry rooms is not to be used for personal use.
No exterior clotheslines are to be erected. Drying of clothes on balconies, air conditioners, bushes, trees, grass, or other outside structures is prohibited.
Individual units were not designed to accommodate stackable or individual washer/dryer hookups; therefore, these installations are prohibited.
All residents must register their vehicles with the Association and obtain a parking permit, limited to two vehicles per unit. All cars parked in the Common Area without a parking permit will be towed. Parking permits must be clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle. Parking permits and temporary parking permits may be issued to non-resident owners, Association personnel, property managers, and others as the Association deems appropriate.
To obtain a parking permit, current valid registration with identification and proof of residency is required.
Parking permits must be visible IN THE FRONT WINDSHIELD AREA ONLY.
All other vehicles, including those of visitors, must be parked on the public streets.
Inoperable vehicles and those not currently registered with the State of California are not permitted in the Association.
Inoperable and unregistered vehicles are not permitted in the Association; vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Vehicles parked in the Common Areas shall be placed so as not to block or unduly restrict other residents’ vehicles for egress and ingress. No vehicle may be parked in front of a laundry room.
Vehicles (including motorcycles) shall not be parked or driven on the lawn, in the grass, or on other parts of the Common Areas.
Vehicles (including motorcycles) may not be repaired in the carport areas, garages, driveways, yards, alleys, or other Common Areas other than the minimal amount required to make it removable from the Common Areas.
Oil, hydraulic, radiator, and other fluid drippings are to be avoided. All dripped or leaked fluids must be removed immediately and the area cleaned by the person whose vehicle was at fault. Vehicles that are not being used must be kept clean of dirt and cobwebs.
Boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, or other vehicles not customarily used as a means for general transportation are not permitted to be parked in Common Areas, including in garages and carports, and do not qualify to receive parking permits.
The Association Bylaws provide for dog/cat ownership; however, individual owners may prohibit their tenants from having dogs/cats.
Residents/owners may keep no more than one dog or two cats per unit. Fish and other marine life in an aquarium are permitted. All other pets are prohibited from being kept, raised, or bred within the Association.
No dog may be larger than 15 inches in height at the shoulder, standing on all four legs.
No Pit Bull/Boxer of any mix is allowed in the Association.
Dogs must be kept on a leash under the supervision of a responsible adult while in the Common Area.
Dogs are not to be tied to stakes in lawns or tied to trees, stairways, or any other object in the Common Areas.
Owners of dogs are responsible for any damage their pet does to the Common Area.
Owners are responsible for picking up and properly disposing of their pet’s feces.
Dogs are subject to city ordinances and must be licensed. Contact Animal Control (209-944-8274) for city regulations or to report any loose dogs.
ONLY normal daily trash is to be placed in the designated dumpster.
ONLY normal recyclables are to be placed in the recyclable dumpster.
Dumpster diving is prohibited.
Renovation materials and large discarded objects (e.g., furniture) must be hauled away by the owner, contractor, and/or tenant to prevent fines and disposal fee charges.
Units in Cal Villa Estates shall not be occupied by more than five (5) persons.
Resident owners shall provide the Association with a statement listing the address, names, and ages of all occupants.
Owners/property managers shall provide the Association with a copy of the rental agreement which lists the address, names, and ages of all unit occupants.
Owners/property managers shall update the Association in writing of changes to occupancy (including vacancies).
Submission of documentation in lines 2, 3, and 4 shall be within 30 days of occupancy, change, or vacancy.
When the occupancy of 5 persons per unit is exceeded, the Association shall impose a fine of one dollar ($1) per day, per person, to cover the additional costs generated by such a higher level of occupancy.
Garages are intended for parking of operational, registered transportation vehicles.
Garages are not to be used for storage.
No resident shall infringe on the area of the resident with whom they share the garage.
Persons living in the garage is prohibited.
Children playing in the garage are prohibited.
No residents shall store hazardous materials such as gas, oil, chemicals, tires, or any other materials which are considered high fire risk.
Residents are to report any water leaks in the garage to the Association immediately.
The unit owners of the garage are responsible for maintaining the garage door, the side security door, and the garage interior electrical.
Pets are not to be housed in the garage.
No Tolerance Policy
Cal Villa Estates has a “No Tolerance Policy” for any drug use, drug sales/activity, gambling, or any other violence or criminal activity within the community. Such activity will result in immediate legal action by the Association including action for removal from residency.
Property Address:
Resident Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________
Resident Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________
Resident Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________
Resident Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________